Foreign Companies

Commerce Announces Record 158 Foreign Companies During the 4 Months

 Baghdad / term Presse Department of Commerce announced ethnic, Wednesday, recording “158 foreign company” during the past four months, and showed that the “remarkable development in the Iraqi market,” gave a great opportunity for the entry of these companies, and likely “increase the number of foreign companies in the very near future . ” said Deputy Minister […]

Iraq Awarded

Iraq Awarded in Two Major Rumaila Oil “Petrofac” and a Chinese Company

BAGHDAD / Reuters He said the Cabinet agreed to the establishment of two major project in the field “Rumaila” oil worth 960.8 million dollars. The Council approved the award of a contract valued at 535.8 million dollars, “Petrofac” British oil services company to provide project management services in the giant Rumaila field, which pumps more […]